Hi my name is Owen but I go by Mac. I am a history major and English minor and Im from Alexandria VA. My interests include reading, watching movies, and playing sports. I am super excited for this class and I plan to stay in the area after graduation.


This newsletter was from the Roanoke Gay Alliance. It was originally printed. Metadata has simply become one of the most common ways for any organization to function in today’s heavily tech dependent world. It lets a person better organize material to their needs.
Skill 3

Although the author was not openly criticizing the colony there are many indications that the author disapproved however. First the title refers to the colony as an Anti-Man effort. The author is framing the colony as an aggressive effort against men. Therefore it’s clear that the author finds the feminist movement as a whole as a threat. They also refer to the island as an “Adamless Eden”. I took this statement to mean that the author felt this women’s only space was unnatural. The whole article also reeks of sass as well. At one point the author was referring to one women who refused to be named in the article. The author said she was “Too modest” to be named.
The Dawson news. (Dawson, Ga.), 30 March 1910. Chronicling America: Historic American Newspapers. Lib. of Congress. <>

Word Clouds generated from George Washingtons inaugural address (left) April 30th, 1789 and Andrew Jacksons inaugural address (right) March 4th, 1829. Source: The American Presidency Project
George Washingtons speech was on the onset of our country’s origin. Therefore it makes sense that is it a very people oriented speech. Many phrases like fellow citizens, human, free, public, citizens, every and people make an appearance. This world cloud reflects an obvious post revolutionary charged speech which emphasizes the contributions of the public. Despite government being in the forefront of the speech it is clear Washington is appealing to the emotions of the American public. On the other hand Jacksons speech is definitely reflects a time where the country is going through a clear change. Even in its early stages the country is beginning to appeal to a wider voting audience while at the same time having a larger government presence. Jackson is also appealing to the grit of the American people by using words such as arduous, undertake, powerful, duties and service.

Google Ngram analysis of the names Napoleon, Hitler, and Reagan as they appear in the English-language books from 1800-2019 from the Google Books database. SOURCE: Google Books Ngram viewer
I found these three figures interesting because I feel as if they are some of the most polarizing of the 200 years or so. I first noted that Napoleon spikes quite frequently. Despite dying in 1821 his legacy carries over very long. I notice that his name spikes during times of war. He spikes in the mid 1800s during times of central and Eastern European conflicts as well as the American Civil war. He also spikes again during ww2. Hitlers name has been on the rise again in recent years presumably due to the wide political unrest and panic. Im surprised Regans name didn’t spike more during the period of Trumps presidency since I felt as many people compared those two figures very heavily.
Skill 4

“Mac McIntyre Swag” (2023), Produced data imported, in part, from, Source: Google Maps.
I originally thought that these British imports would have been closer to the East Coast. I chose the town in which my Grandmas from to gain some perspective. I find it interesting that the US east coast was not more utilized in this situation.
Skill #5
Skill #6
Credit to Kevin Macleod for his wonderful copyright free music! The song was called Spinning Monkeys Spinning
Skill #7
Check out my Twine, a text-based video game. To play, click on this link. The link will pull up an HTML file. Click “Download.” Now, open the website for Twine, click “Use in your Browser.” Click “Library,” then “Import,” and choose the HTML file you just downloaded. Click on the imported story. Now click “Build,” then “Play.” Voila: it’s my game!