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Hello, my name is Alex Feuer and I’m a freshman who is a historian and am on the lacrosse team. I was born and raised in Chicago, Illinois and I am looking forward to the rest of my time at Roanoke college. I find digital history to be crucial to understanding aspects of the past due to the accessibility and ease of use of digital platforms. Secondly, some events in history are best represented through video, or text found online containing primary and secondary sources.
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The article talks about Victoria Woodhull running for president. The article is against her running because she is a woman. It is also mentioned that no women’s suffrage movement had endorsed her for president. Also, the democratic and republican parties had already endorsed their candidates for president. It is also stated that it would be irresponsible to have a woman running for president. A Newspaper Assertion refuted. (Columbus, Ga., Nov 9, 1892)

these two-word clouds are derived from speeches that were given by president Aberham Lincon and President James Bucanan. Lincon is considered to be one of the best presidents in American history because of his will to retain the union and end slavery. Bucanan is considered to be one of the worst presidents in American history due to being pro slavery and creating an extreme divide that eventually led to the civil war. The economy was also bad under his watch among other things. Lincon in his speech focuses more on human rights and the country while James talks more about his ideals.

This image is comparing relevance of how often walt Whitman, Robert frost, and Allen Ginsburg are used in books from 1800 until now. As we can see, Walt Whitman takes the lead by a lot in the 1920’s through the early 2000’s. this could be due to World War 2 and reading taking more of a rise as people needed something to do during that era. we can also say from this data that walt Whitman is by far the more famous author. Robert frost experiences a boost in popularity in the late 1960’s and 70’s. Also, Allen Ginsburg experienced his biggest jump in popularity in the 2000’s and 2010’s.
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Citation (My Maps – About – Google Maps)
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Check out my Twine, a text-based video game. To play, click on this Field Marshall (3).html The link will pull up an HTML file. Click “Download.” Now, open the website for Twine, click “Use in your Browser.” Click “Library,” then “Import,” and choose the HTML file you just downloaded. Click on the imported story. Now click “Build,” then “Play.” Voila: it’s my game!